Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Why we are GREEN

Do you know why Rock Bottom Personal Training picked green as their business color?  We are proud to be an Eco friendly fitness company. We are here to teach and educate people on how to be a healthier community and healthier planet. Have you ever asked yourself where does all the exercise equipment go when people no longer use it. Some many go to places like Goodwill and garage sales, but eventually it all ends up in the landfills. Think about all that equipment in the gym that you go to every day. How many machines they have that use around 855 watts of electricity if only ran at 5 mph at 0% incline. Now times that by how many machines your gym has, that is a lot of energy! There are many gyms that are now making improvements and going “Green”.  We here at Rock Bottom are already showing our clients how to use what they have to be healthier without more cost to their wallets and the planet. We want people to burn calories and not watts. All of our workouts are powered by our own personal energy. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Are "YOU" a priority?

Only 20% for people are self motivators. Which leaves the rest of the 80% the need to be accountable to someone else. People forget that because I am a personal trainer and assume that I don’t have struggles as well. Most don’t know that I was pushing 200  pounds two years ago and had been at that weight for the last 15 years. I am a great trainer but I wasn’t walking the talk, if you know what I mean.  It was never that I didn’t have the knowledge or time to be at a lower body fat percentage. It was the fact that I put my family, friends and clients ahead of my own health. I didn’t make myself a priority. You see I could squeeze a 100 things into my day yet not one of them was clean healthy eating or exercising. I had screwed up my metabolism up so bad that it was dormant like a mountain. Oh my metabolism was ready to explode in to action as soon as I was ready to make it a priority. So after my father passed away from obesity related causes and my mother is also obese, I realized that I better make this a priority or I am going to leaving my children without a mother. 
I made an appointment with one of my clients nutritionist the next week. I told her that I knew what to do and what I am doing wrong. I just needed her to be “the bad guy” and make me accountable to her for my bad eating habits. I wasn’t eating super bad stuff I was just eating only 3 times a day. I was only eating at 6 am, noon, and 6 pm. So my body was in starvation mode most of the time. I also wasn’t eating “Clean” being non-processed foods. Since I am always on the go I had to find quick easy ways for me to be able to eat every 3 hours and have it on the go. So I stocked my trunk with apples, nuts and clean healthy bars that I could eat if I got stuck away from a store. I also had to start planning better therefore got a really cool lunch box with serving sized containers to use. I packed my lunch everyday!!! Even if I thought I might be home or going out because you never know when something may happen.
The next thing I did to make myself accountable was started planning exercise classes or Meetups. I knew that once it was on the calendar and the thought that someone else will be there makes it really hard to back out! So many times I would plan on exercising after my other job or client but I then would put something else in its place and talk myself right out of it. If I show up and nobody else does, it is so easy to cut the workout short and not push myself as hard as I should or would if there was someone else there. The inner competitor would never show up like it does when I am working out with others. In fact, I have told may of my clients that I prefer to train couples or friends durning sessions because they will work harder, cancel less often and get better results!  So many clients take a break from their trainings or group workouts and gain 10 or more pounds before they contact me about coming back. it is proof that you get better results when you have to be accountable to someone else! 
 Get out your iPhone, calendar or whatever you use to remember all your appointments  and make YOU a priority! Make YOU first in the day! I want you to schedule your workouts and eating plan NOW....TODAY just as it is a doctors appointment because in reality it is! 

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Stairs "Flight Club"

As I am preparing for my next stairclimb this week. I realize that this is the one that set it all into motion for me a year ago. Last year when I had to find an alternative form of cardio and sport that I could do after I was told by my surgeon feb 2010 that I  could no longer do any “impact” sports due to my L5 disc being in pieces. And this being after my second surgery. This meant no running, volleyball, soccer, skiing, softball and the list went on. With being in the health field, I had to get creative. I looked for a low or non impact  activity that was going to tone up my legs and give me good cardio. I was out on the Tumwater stairs by the old town center in the summer of 2010.  I had been doing the stairs 3 times a week for 30 mins since May.  One day that summer when I was doing my stairs, a firefighter showed up.  I watched this firefighter put on his bunker gear and started taking 2 stairs at a time. He passed me a couple of times. Here I thought I was in good shape and doing pretty good for being almost 40 and 2 back surgeries behind me. I started up a conversation with him after he was done. He told me about stairclimb racing. I had no clue. I went home and started to research more about the sport and how I could start racing myself. What I found out was that this firefighter that I was talking to was Zach Schade of Tumwater. Come to find out he was the winner of “scale the Strat” in Las Vegas in 2009, which is a 108 flights. No wonder he was lapping me on the Tumwater stairs he was a pro! So since then I have learned so much about stairclimbing from other racers.Like how to use your arms and the hand rails for the climbs.  I have read and watched videos about the sport that I could find. I didn’t realize that this is a world wide sport until then. Here in the USA there are so many stairclimb races in all major cities. All races are fundraisers just like regular running races. 
In the last year I have spread my passion or addiction to stairclimbing to many of my clients and friends. We have now started what many stairclimb racers call a  “Flight Club”  here in the Olympia area. My goal is to get more people aware of the health benefits of stairclimbing and get more racers for our team. This is a great way to  cross train for runners since most of the races are in fall and winter months.
I have raced in 4 stairclimbs in the last year and this week will be my 5th. I have realized that I may not be the fastest racer but I have improved since last year. I have no plans on quitting. I do plan on traveling more across the country in the next couple of years climbing stairs!
If you or anyone you know that are interested in joining Rock Bottom’s Flight Club please have them contact us. We are looking for all ages and abilities! 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Holiday Planning!

As the holidays approach quickly there are many obstacles that we have to tackle everyday which can effect our daily health routine that we have worked so hard at maintaining all year. Our first obstacle is coming up next week, Thanksgiving. The first part of your game plan is “prepare”! Prepare for the food binge the day of, prepare for the emotional eating that family can push you into and Prepare for the next month of holiday parties!
So what is your game plan? How are you going to get thru the next holiday season without putting on the average 10 lb. that most Americans do during this time.Have a PLAN!!! So sit down and plan what you are going to do for the next week before turkey day. For example, you will need to add in 2 extra workouts. You should cut out on all starchy foods like bread, pasta, rice, etc. and load up on veggies. You should offer to make a clean healthy side dish. Drink plenty of water to curb your appetite. And limit yourself to one alcoholic drink that is a “clear liquor”  and add club soda. Plan before you go what you will be putting on your plate. Like half the plate is veggies or salad. then followed by 3 oz ( deck of cards) of protein. You may even have a small ice cream scoop of stuffing.  In addition, remember it is alway healthier to go for a walk than to have an argument with that family member. 
Now many of these plan ideas can apply to the rest of your holiday season. What about that office party? Well, here are a few things that I have learned from the past.  People always want others to be enjoying themselves and a sign of that is the other person has something in their hand. Such as a full plate of food or a drink. So to play the healthy illusion magic trick. Have a full plate of healthy items on it, if there are not any good choices, then put the bad stuff on the plate walk around and talk with it in your hand then when the evening is over throw it away.... NOT EAT IT!!!  Same goes for the full glass trick...nobody knows what is in the glass but you. So put soda water or something with color in it but no sugar. This will make the host/hostess fill like you are not missing out or that they are not having a great holiday party.
So enjoy your holidays with your family and friends but have a game plan and “prepare”!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Summer Road Blocks

Here we are in the beginning August and I am hearing from all my very  active / physically fit friends that they have all put on 10 lbs....Including myself! WTH???  If we really think about it, we know why and how that has happened. We live in a state that has some really strange weather and you never know when the sun will be out or if it is out how warm it will be. For me, when the sun is out I am usually out on my motorcycle as much as possible. Which means that I sit all day and ride...not moving my body a whole lot. Which is different for my body because it is used to moving a lot!!  What I have noticed is that when you are out and about traveling with friends or family you put them first as far as where to stop and eat.  I know that this is one of my problems... the other is plan and simply...I don't put my health first! I am so rapped up in enjoying the sun, fun and friends. Unfortunately that has put 10 lbs of fun on my mid section! So I am going to try something new for the rest of the summer and see what happens. I am going to regroup and focus on my bodies needs and make sure that my portion sizes are right , not eat greasy foods, minimize my happy hour drinks to 1 or 2. I am also going to get back on a regular workout schedule since I have let that slide with all the summer vacations. Plus I have 2 competitions coming up in October that I want to do well in.

I write this so that others can see that we all have slips and gain weight from time to time. So what small things can you do to be healthier?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summer time cook outs

I don't know about you but I love the summers time. Get togethers with great people and good eats! the hardest part is to stay on the clean eating and portion control while you are chatting & laughing away.  But if you remember the 80 /20 rule all is good! 80% of the time you eat and drink super clean plus exercise then that one day you can step out of the box alittle...and I do mean alittle.  Please remember that when you do step out it can be very hard to step back in.

I like to always bring on dish that I know is clean, that way I can always eat that instead of the same old cookout menu items. I also bring my own grill protein..because we all know what is in that hamburger and hot dog..YUCK!!!!

the one thing I love about cookouts is all the fun physical activities.... for example this past 4th of July, I had the pleasure to be invited to our friends the O'Brien's. They live on a lake so I got to paddle boat out to out the lake to watch the fireworks with my husband and awesome friend Dani. Before that we danced to great music the bands played and we even jumped on the trampoline like kids!

So stay active at your parties and eat clean! most of all have a great happy and healthy summer!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Summer is here

Now that summer is here and we live in the pacific northwest...our play ground is open for fitness! I am having a really hard time deciding on what to do every day for exercise! the choices are endless...in fact I am here waiting to go bike riding... no not on my motorcycle but the one with pedals that go around! this weekend I was out on the sound camping with friends and we canoed, climbed tress, raced up stairs and ran on the beach.

I have to say I can't wait to SUP(standup paddleboard)  again. Choices, choices, choices... what is a girl to do?

What is on your list of fun outdoor exercise activities?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thurston County Spring Baby’s Are Here!

If you go anywhere in Thurston county you will see signs of rebirth and BABIES!! You will come across baby clothing and toys at the stores. You will see baby animals in the waters and fields all around the Thurston county. Yet what you may not notice or hear, are all of the baby’s mommy saying to themselves “ how do I loose this “baby weight” and get back into my pre-pregnancy clothes!” 
Since a baby needs so much care and love, that mommies are right there for them to fulfill their every need. What mommies forget or don’t realize is that their baby can help them get back that “pre-baby” body they may feel has gone in the diaper pail.
As adorable, wonderful, and precious as babies are, and regardless of how much we love them, they can get heavy! Turns out, this makes them that much more perfect. They make great free-weights!

Okay, so they’re not free… very expensive actually, but you can get a very thorough workout just by holding your baby.  For example: Start out with squats (with a seat behind you in case you fall) with the baby in a snuggly! Do pushups with the baby under your chest and make faces and goofy noises to keep the baby laughing. Set Baby on your stomach while you do crunches, or hold her/him there while doing bridges! My 3 year-old still thinks this is fun. When carrying the car seat, do some upright rows or shoulder shrugs. Bounce the baby on your knees by using only your calf muscles. You can get a full-body workout using only your baby and the baby’s stuff.  It just takes a little creativity. Need more ideas? Look up a personal trainer for a complete baby-weight workout.
Getting back into your pre-baby pants without spending a fortune: priceless!
Written By Lichelle Crevison & Christe Smith

Monday, March 28, 2011

Using the Thurston County Outdoors as Your Gym

By: Chris Fry
With our busy schedules and lifestyles it is hard to plan a time to get to the gym. Here is an alternative: create your own Thurston County gym outside. We here in the Pacific Northwest live in one of the best outdoor gyms imaginable. Taking your fitness outdoors allows you to get a more varied and complete workout. Plus it is more fun.
The advantages of taking your fitness outdoors is:
  • No gym fee
  • No constraints
  • The environmental benefits: Fresh air and connecting with your surroundings
  • More creative: Putting your mind to work creating a workout plan using your natural surroundings and local parks.
  • Less negative distraction: Nature itself is a very positive distraction.
  • No travelling to the gym
  • No waiting for equipment
  • Less chance of catching a virus
Use outdoor stairs as your stair climbing machine, a picnic tables for push-ups, tricep work among other things, driftwood on the beach to create an obstacle course, use your water bottles as weights, or use your own body weight for exercises. Create a resistance band workout utilizing light poles or playground equipment. The possibilities are endless throughout Thurston County.
Olympia, Lacey and Tumwater have many great venues to keep your workouts fresh, among them are:
  • Priest Point Park, Olympia
  • Rotary Park (West Bay Park), Olympia
  • Burfoot Park, Thurston County
  • Pioneer Park, Tumwater
  • Woodard Bay, Thurston County
  • Tolmie State Park, Lacey
If you are not interested in getting fit outdoors alone then find a buddy, or better yet, find an outdoor fitness boot camp and do it as a group. Finding a fitness pal or working with a group will provide the motivational component needed to get you in the best shape of your life outside the gym.
There are many resources online that will give you an idea on what type of exercises can be done in the great outdoors, or better yet, find a certified fitness trainer to help get you going.
About Rock Bottom Personal Training:
Christe Smith is the owner of Rock Bottom Personal Training. Rock Bottom serves all of Thurston County and offers customized fitness services in homes, workplaces, local parks and other locations to cater to the client. Rock Bottom has many Professional Certified trainers to help you with all your health needs

Stairclimb Flight Club

The Stairclimb Flight Club Meet-up Group is designed to get you into the best shape of your life using stairclimbing. This is a three month program that you will be signing up for. The three month program will allow you to shed stubborn body fat and really increase your overall defintion and get ready for beach season. 
Program Tools:
You will recieve the following tools at the beginning of your three month program:
1) Training Guidelines
2) Training Log (One copy given to you at the climb)
3) Membership Punch Card
4) Nutritonal Gudelines
Program Outline:
The program will be structured so that their will be a "beginner workout" and a "advanced workout." 
There will be a white board set at the bottom of the stairs so that everyone will see the workout for the night. This is so you know what workout to track on your training journal
Program Times:
Tue-Thurs 6 - 7 pm
Program Costs:
$50.00 for 10 climbs (5.00 a climb) Sessions expire within two months of purchase. 
Payment Methods:
Checks - made payable to Rock Bottom

Monday, March 14, 2011

March Motivational Madness

Right now everyone is preparing for March Madness, the annual college basketball tournament that gets players and fans highly motivated to go all the way and make the winning basket. 
Unfortunately, 80% of the people that set health and fitness goals in January have already dropped out of the game. Most give up due to loss of motivation, boredom, not knowing what to do and a lack of variety. People take themselves out of the game and go back to bad habits because they don't have that really great coach on the side lines guiding them, pushing them, trying to make them better and motivating them to reach their goal. 
A personal trainer is your coach in the real world. One who is certified and experienced  will come up with creative ways to make your work out fresh and fun and will keep you motivated to help you reach your health and fitness goals. 
Due to our country’s current economic situation, many people view exercise and fitness as an expendable luxury because they don't have money for gyms and don't know where or how to start their exercise routines. Some people don't realize that you don't need any equipment at all to have a fun, exciting work out. You can use your own body weight and work out in your own home, at your work place or even in local parks. 
Some people just need accountability, and a great way to do that is to find someone to buddy up with such as a friend, a spouse or a co-worker who will be waiting for you like a coach, a teammate and a fan.  Whether it’s walking, strength training or a new activity you have always wanted to try, there are numerous and fun ways to get and stay fit. 
Others let an injury keep them on the sidelines. Just because you have an injury in one body part (whether it’s a knee or shoulder), don't let it keep you out of the game. If one body part is injured, just focus on the other areas until it is healed and ready to come off the bench. 
There’s no better time to start back up than right now. So, for that 80% of you that have dropped out since January, put your uniform back on, get off the bench and get back in the game! 
By Christe Smith

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Help your residents stay fit!
Increase the value of your benefits!
Rock Bottom Personal Training has a comprehensive program for your apartment complex to help boost the enrollment of your workout facility and increase the value of the benefits of living in your residential community. Our professional trainers are nationally certified who will come to your complex and help keep your residents fit and in shape. They will not only come home to your community but have the convenience of experienced, friendly trainers.
Many apartment complexes have invested in on-site exercise facilities and equipment. However, these facilities are often left unused or misused by residents because they lack the proper knowledge and/or motivation to use them. At Rock Bottom Personal Training we offer a variety of fitness programs that will help your residents gain the most benefit out of your facility and take control of their health one day at a time. We can tailor a program based on request and in various locations such as boot camps and group training. 
Rock Bottom Personal Training can:
     pastedGraphic.pdf  Create fun and motivating fitness programs for residents of all ages to enjoy
     pastedGraphic_1.pdf  Work with groups of people all at once.
     pastedGraphic_1.pdf  Offer personal training at your facility.
     pastedGraphic.pdf  Train with little or no equipment if you have no equipment or facility.
We look forward to shaping up your community!
Rock Bottom Personal Training